
Showing posts from July, 2017


Hmmmm just thoughts.. I'm sitting here thinking about mortality.  Thinking about how I'm not scared of death,  I'm would be sad and upset at all the things I didn't do...but not scared.  I would be scared of what is left behind for everyone.  Depression does that to you... not directly though.   People think depression is selfish,  but are they the selfish ones themselves? They think people who commit  suicide are not thinking about others.   But yet they themselves aren't thinking about how the depressed person truly feels, they just project what they think that person is feeling.  In fact when a depressed person thinks about suicide,  they are thinking of others.   They are thinking about how they are better off without them.   And how worthless they think they are too the others. Depression comes in and destroys your soul.  It eats little part of it and scatters it all around.  Then it just looms, watching and criticizing every little thing you do.   Then y