
Showing posts from January, 2018

The wall

Right now it feels as though i have been walking alongside a wall.  But instead of a concrete wall, it's a wall of thick invisible fog.   I know I can't see it, but i know it's there.    The tricky part is, i never know how close i am to wandering in, until it's too late.    The moment i get lost the atmosphere changes.  It morphs and darkens to something unknown,  but vaguely familiar.   The paths I traveled on disappear, so it seems as though i will never find them again.   While wandering for so long in the dark, i feel as though i might lose hope.  But something deep inside of me reminds me that i must not give up hope. I've been through this before, although the terrain is different, i know i will eventually find my way back. As soon as you feel the weight get lifted as you leave the darkness,  you hope and Pray nobody else gets lost In that dark, heavy landscape.