
Showing posts from July, 2018


Narcolepsy takes away your ability to live normally.  Before narcolepsy, my life wasn't perfect, but I was able to go through day to day life normally. I'd wake up tired, but after that it would be a normal day.   I would be thoroughly awake and actually have problems falling asleep at night.  I could do assignments ahead of time without question. But now, after narcolepsy, my life has been flipped upside down.  I rarely experience a day where I'm not fatigued.  I'll wake up normally, then after a few hours, I'll be tired and that will last the whole day.  I take stimulants and that decreases my fatigue a bit, but its still there. It started kind of suddenly for me.  At that time, I was exercising daily and it was December 2015.  I started feeling tired and I thought I was getting sick.   My fatigue never went away...  After that I went to doctors all the time to,fix it,but it wasnt until a year later I hot a sleep test and got the diagnos