Night time thoughts

It's 11:45 pm and  My thoughts are constantly circling my head like vultures around a carcus.  This time it''re overreacting.

It's like a nonstop argument going on in my head and I'm in the middle trying to pick a side.  From one side, it's screaming at me that I'm overreacting and I will ruin everything...Yet the other side is saying that it's perfectly rational and I need to stop this madness and relax.  And yet no matter how hard I try, I can't pick a side. I'm just left wallowing in the middle, becoming a more confused as the time clicks away, waiting for a shining light to tell me the answer.

I had an image posted in my head as I was trying to fall asleep with these thoughts, and when I couldn't stop thinking about the image, I got up just to draw it.  I'm no artist but it is much more than I could have hoped for. 

Now I might finally rest.  Still waiting for my "saving grace" to answer my original question.... Am I overreacting?


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