
Showing posts from September, 2016

Past issues coming back with different decisions

Recently I've been facing a previous issue I've had. This issue caused me to have a depressive breakdown and I've never really faced it since.  But recently I've been wanting to make personal amends to myself on what happened.  I want to forgive myself and let go of most of the hate I have towards them so I can properly heal. I know that in order to heal, I have to end the story on a good note and stop the hatred and sadness. The past couple weeks I've been thinking about it and trying to forgive said person, even if I never want to see them again.  Since that episode I've been up and down on my personal roller coaster and am determined to get off again. This has been controlling my life for months now, and I'm determined to control my own life. A couple days ago I had a dream that really shook me.  All I can remember is that I was in the office building, helping teach like before. It wasn't outright said but I knew they wanted me back there working