
Showing posts from June, 2021

How my anxiety and depression shows.

 Obviously a lot of my posts discuss my problems with my depression and anxiety, but this is how they show outwardly. Depression I tend to withdraw even more than normal,  not wanting anything other than rest.  I won't want to move or do anything extra.  my appetite will start to swing from a lack of appetite to me binging when I do get hungry.  My anger starts appearing once the depression becomes too much at times, and finally, after awhile of dealing with it, I go completely emotionally numb, I cry spontaneously,  and the anxiety becomes more known.   When you see me out and about you wouldn't know beyond the smile and my demeanor and even if you do notice something, my constant fatigue with mask that as fatigue. Anxiety I will look perfectly fine, despite that fact that internally, I'm having a meltdown slowly.  I've perfected the look that will make people believe I'm fine, and I've even perfected the fatigue excuses.  I start by becoming overwhelmed and th


This unknown anxiety feels like an impending storm slowly encroaching on me.  I feel it coming in my gut, then my mind gets filled with this quiet endless static as the brain fog comes sweeping in. I feel the palpitations in my check start to make their presence known and my mind and eyes start feeling the need to look around to deal with the building feeling. I try to locate the cause of the anxiety, but I am not able to pin point it.