
Showing posts from 2013

No War in syria

Why are we going to war with a country who is having a civil war?  They aren't attacking any other country!  We seem to always have enough money to go to war and yet not to protect and help our own citizens?  This is showing more and more how much the government wants to pull the world apart with no regards to any of  its citizens.  I'm learning more and more everyday and I'm starting to have for faith in the people to learn whats going on.  There is no proof to back up what the government is saying and yet so much info backing up the opposing facts, but no one is looking at them.

Updated since original letter.

I told my sister my beliefs and let her think about it.  I'm not trying to force my beliefs on anyone, I'm just trying  to inform others of my beliefs and let them think.  People today don't like to think, I'm not the first one to think that.  Even I have problems thinking without getting distracted; everyone just wants the easy way out and an easy answer.  I've been looking for ways to expand my thinking and have realized I just need to sit back and think.  Meditating helps a little, but I can't figure out if I'm doing it right.  After I talked with my sister I started to think, I've come to the conclusion that no religion is bad and people who follow the religion aren't bad.  I thought about what I said in my original letter and I realize now how bad that sounded.  I do still think that but let me rephrase it, even though religions in my beliefs are satanic, the people in the religion itself don't have to follow satan, they can be on the right

Freedom from religion

The following thing I wrote a couple of weeks ago and I am finally sharing it.  I am constantly reviewing my thoughts and would love to talk with others, so if you have an issue with something feel free to bring it up with me and make sure I haven't recently updated it.                 I think a lot of people agree that god’s main commandment is to love everyone (for any religion).  But yet since the beginning of time, man-made ideals are tearing the people apart from across the world, setting the stage for hate to grow.  From the start, people seeking power start taking over whatever they have the ability to, from land to other people, forcing the taint of hatred among the people below him who want what they don’t have, or perhaps hatred of how they are being treated by their superiors.   As the power- seekers want to grow to expand their lands and power, hatred among different “colonies” or “groups” emerge.  Imagine this happening across the entire planet. Then became the gods