Freedom from religion

The following thing I wrote a couple of weeks ago and I am finally sharing it.  I am constantly reviewing my thoughts and would love to talk with others, so if you have an issue with something feel free to bring it up with me and make sure I haven't recently updated it.

               I think a lot of people agree that god’s main commandment is to love everyone (for any religion).  But yet since the beginning of time, man-made ideals are tearing the people apart from across the world, setting the stage for hate to grow.  From the start, people seeking power start taking over whatever they have the ability to, from land to other people, forcing the taint of hatred among the people below him who want what they don’t have, or perhaps hatred of how they are being treated by their superiors.   As the power- seekers want to grow to expand their lands and power, hatred among different “colonies” or “groups” emerge.  Imagine this happening across the entire planet. Then became the gods, as gods became known among the people, the people started believing that their god is the true god and everyone else is wrong, which caused more hatred and unaccepting among god’s people.  As religions and politics came about, it further separated people based on “beliefs” that one person led, but the world followed. Mainly focusing on religion, every religion states that love everyone and let god make the decisions, and yet everyone seems to want to decide which religion is right and that unless the person/group change, they are not getting into the afterlife, which as stated before, is god’s job to do.  But who is this god? What does he look like?  Is it a he?  When most people think of god, what do they picture? You don’t know, right?  They picture this guy outstretching his arms with light surrounding him…..Well what if god is not a person, what if he is not a he, she, or even an it. You technically can’t even call him god, because as we will get into later, because he is an positive deity, not something we will be able to see in a human form.  No matter what “god” you believe in, all you can see is love and compassion.  No matter what “satan” you believe in, all you see is evil, hatred,  and unaccepting.  Satan is not a person either, he is a negative deity.  I’m not saying it is not okay to view them in human form, because with our amazing mind, that might be easier to picture, but that is not his form.  You might be able to feel him , but you cannot see him.  So, who did create us?  Have you ever wondered why she is called “mother” nature?  Maybe because she is our mother, AKA she (mother nature) created us.  That makes sense because she provides everything we need to survive, like mothers do.  Right now, it is hard even for me to grasp that concept, that the thing that surrounds us, that gives us everything we have, everything we need to survive, in fact created us.  Could it also count that every illness that we naturally are able to contract has a cure somewhere on this earth? (Even if we haven’t discovered it yet)   These illnesses don’t include man-made illnesses, that  I won’t get into now, even though some things are able to cure man-made illnesses.  Think about it, every religion there is, if you read into it deep enough, seperates the population into people that are going to “heaven” and people that are going to “hell” which subconsciously makes some of the readers hate others of different religions.   They all have a positive deity and a negative deity, which all, generally, look at and follow the same/similar rules.  So couldn’t it be said that all religions are basically one single religion that is looked at in different ways.  Before I became a Christian I believed this, after I became a Christian I originally felt that I belonged someplace but that slowly began to fade as I lacked understanding in what I was believing in and thought that something was missing in these beliefs…I kept on wanting to become spiritual again because I thought it was the better belief system.  Before December 21, 2012, My best friend told me that what was coming was not the end of the world, but the end of time, specifically the end of an era. The era that was supposed to be coming upon us was the age of Enlightenment, where everything was supposed to be coming together and making sense.  On/after December 21, I didn’t feel different, but I did begin to think that soon, things will change….. After that I started to doubt the ideals of Christianity more but wanted so much to believe it, because I didn’t want to be wrong and then go to hell, but as I noticed, Christians are not always what they seem, neither are Catholics.  In their ideals, they bring hate and call someone unacceptable for what they believe in, but then go to church and say they love everyone, even the pastors say that in order to go to heaven, you have to believe in a certain god, not that you have to love and accept everyone, or at least attempt to. Told me the things I now know are true and it took me awhile to grasp what he was talking about , but now I understand him.  Religions are run and were created but the negative deity to separate the people and turn them against each other, saying that this is the perfect religion, it became so big that there became more than 20 religions saying basically the same thing and are essentially separating the very thing that is supposed to be brought together, people of earth.  People are meant to live together, flourish, love each other, and show each other compassion.  Now this thing separated us and fractured us.  Religions, which are shown as good things, are actually evil in nature. Now, what actually causes things to happen?  Maybe it’s you that causes good and bad things to happen.  What if it was true that if you believe something will happen, it will, or that you can even make something happen as you want.  This is all done through your mind and consciousness.   “God is an energy source. It is PURE CONSCIOUSNESS. It's the energy source that makes up all life. It's the energy that holds atoms together. It's what creates our real life version of The Matrix. Some call it Chi, some call it Prana, some call it 'the force'. But it's all the same. And IT IS conscious. It's just not how we typically understand 'consciousness' (because we are very limited by our language). This is what the ancients meant when they said 'God is everywhere, and in all things'. Religious fanatics confused people by taking that point and spinning it around so they could build a belief structure around it.”- the mind unleashed.  So….after that being referenced, if this energy source is within us (also known as “god”) then can’t we create our own miracles?  Can’t we fix our own problems that “god” in religions can do? Yes we can, in fact we do it fairly often.  Have you ever thought that it was going to be a good day and then it happened to be one, if yes then that is an example.   Meditation is a good way to get in touch with your energy to be able to do those things, and yet, according to catholics, you should not practice meditation or even do things to expand your understanding of the unconscious. The power to do things and change things is inside of you.  In Christianity, god has all the “rules” you have to follow, but really, the energy source that brings all the positive emotions doesn’t care about any of those rules…well maybe murder but that is more of a general moral thing not to murder anyone.  Not to mention that a lot, if not all of the wars that the world has had have to deal with religion, money, or power.  I’m still learning more about this stuff myself, so I’m no master, but if anybody in a religion happens to read this, I hope you at least think about what I have to say..  I’m not saying that everyone in any religion is wrong, definitely not, because who knows, you might believe more against that religion and just not know what to do or think because you grew up and spent time with the religion.  But be open minded, as long as you truly love everyone and accept everyone, then you can go to the heaven you believe there is.  The truth is, our mind is never-ending and has more power than you believe.


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