The Technology age of communication anxiety

We are currently in the age of technology.  Now everyone has cell phones, computers, and even tablets now.  That creates numerous new opportunities to meet new people from around the world and keep in contact with everyone. We can talk with people in real time anywhere.   Now I'm 23 so I know that I mostly grew up in this age but I know that it used to be drastically different.

Before cell phone we used home phones to talk, maybe email or AIM to communicate.  Or letters have been used for the longest time.  Back when letters were a thing, it would take days just to communicate with some in 1 letter.  Heck, even now people are separated for months or years from their family and they can push through it.  But the younger generations expect something different.  Where am I going with this?

I'm curious  about what impact this increase in communication this will have on people and future generations. Now in 2016, it's common to text people daily and even expect responses in a few minutes.  If you don't get a response, you expect they are ignoring you and that the answer was a no.
I know this doesn't happen to everyone but the few people who expect this are harming themselves with this expectation.   Now I myself have this anxiety and I know my brain is overreacting, but it's taking awhile to train myself otherwise.  You have to constantly tell yourself the reality of the situation: they're busy, sleeping, working, etc...

I say this mindset is harmful because of the stress it might cause.  The underestimated tormentor of illness is a lot of times stress.  I know this cause I'm experiencing side effects of stress right now.  I had to start taking medicine to curb the daily migraines and headaches, and even the slightest stress causes a headache.  I am right now in the recovery phase of my stress illness, trying to de-stress as much as possible everyday just so I don't get another problem as a result from more stress.  If this stress is put on other people who are wanting to just be in contact with or accepted by their peers, then the youth will get progressively more sick unless the stress is managed. Don't forget that on top of that now the youth is stressed by school, peers, college, expectations, etc; So trying to get rid of the stress from this one simple portion, by trying to not expect an immediate response, might be the change needed to keep a person from psychological drowning.

How we do this I don't know.

There are a lot of things that need to happen, the change needs to be dispersed to all the people, and the peer groups need to start believing it, so they can pass it on.  Even one person can try to help by talking someone through anxiety or by people getting help from a counselor.

Waiting for a response can be sooo stressful, that it might also damage your health if the stress keeps happening.


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