I felt better, but yet still feel empty.  When everything seems to be going great, I still feel unbearable loneliness and emptiness.

They said just give it time and I need to wait.  I understand that, and yet my heart doesn't.  after everything I've been through, my heart might be breaking.

Everyday I just strive to stay above the surface, trying to hold back tears.  I've never gone through this, so I don't know what to do.  Maybe this is for the better for the long run.

I don't want to hurt anyone in the process, and hopefully its they don't want to hurt anyone either.

I'm trying to feel better, but my feeling better means hurting the others. and if I want to make them happy I have to learn to suffer.    I don't want things to change and yet the suffering is unbearable.

I'd much rather suffer for my unconditional love for others, rather than end my suffering completely.

Even if I have to suffer in silence.


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