
Gunfire was the first thing she heard.  She jumped out of bed with her heart racing.  Just standing there, she frantically looks around her room.  She realizes she is safe, but still doesn’t know where the gunshot came from.  She picks up the phone and dials 911.  The operator sends officers to investigate.  When the officers got there they asked her what happened, and she told them.  Other officers were asking the other neighbors and they all shared the same story.  More officers arrived at the scene just as officers were knocking on the door.  They all had vests on and the officers that just arrived had helmets on.   

“Knock, Knock, Knock.  This is the police.  open the door”….No response.

“Knock, Knock, Knock.  Police! Open the door”… No response again.

“Knock, Knock, Knock.  Police!  Open the door”…Still no response.

This time one officer goes back to his car and another circles the building as the other officers attempt to open the door.

The officer then returns from his car with a piece of paper in his hand. 

“Knock, Knock, Knock.  Police! Open the door we have a warrant.  Then they break down the door and enter.


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