What is Depression?

What is this depression? Is it just sadness?

What did I do? Why do I deserve this?

I’ve had it since I was 12; even though I was just a kid.

I thought it only attacks adults, but I guess I was wrong.

I know when it comes for me, and yet I can’t run.

It attacks me the same every time, the same torture.

I lie in bed, with my own mind attacking me.

I try to fight back, but it brings back old memories.

Paralyzed by sadness, all I can do is cry

I’m stuck in bed, not hungry at all.

When I can manage, I force myself to eat.

Always reminding myself what happens when I face defeat.

Thinking about ending myself, I go back to bed.

I feel presence, whispering in my head.

“Go ahead and go to sleep, it will be okay”

I feel better, but not for long.

I grab my journal and let this evil write.

Ashamed at what I wrote, I put away the book.

Not to be opened, until the next time evil lurks.

I then close my eyes, and quickly fall asleep.

But as soon as I wake up I realize, evil never sleeps.


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