Why are we fighting a flag?

I obviously know about the battle over the confederate flag.  I haven't posted my opinion but finally decided it was time.  

People are split over wether or not the confederate flag needs to be removed.  I say, " I DON'T GIVE A CRAP".   The flag is an inanimate object for crying out loud.  Yes it is a symbol of racism and slavery people might say.

 But has anyone actually stopped to think about how there is still the actual racism in our country?

Maybe if we stopped fighting over a flag and actually put our complete force into stopping and changing the racism behind it; maybe the flag will eventually become a sad symbol of the past.

I don't like comparing this but I will anyways. People walk through the holocaust museum completely quiet and somber.  Whenever we think about what happened then we are completely baffled and can't comprehend why it happened.   Well I hope that in the future, we can walk by a confederate flag and think, "Why did this ever happen?" and most importantly, "I'm glad racism is no longer a think".

Instead people walk by the flag and are angry at this object when there could be people right behind it being racist.  All I can imagine when people are fighting to take the flag down is people yelling at a flag and completely ignoring the KKK member standing next to it, or a crowd of people arguing over a flag while ignoring someone who just got discriminated against.

Fighting a flag won't stop racism.  So what happens after the flag gets taken down?  If the flag is there or not, there will be racism non the less. Nothing will change unless we fight the racism behind it.


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